
The World-Cultural-Heritage 

Das Weltkulturerbe in 2024


    in 2024




  • Time is short!


Empress, Hohewarte II, Luebeck, Germany

To the Thinkers and Readers in the Matter


The German-language document you may find here!

Germany, Luebeck, 15 August 2024


Dear Readers and those Interested in the Matter,

What was true yesterday can become obsolete today, because things change daily, if not hourly. Life is raging and rightly so, because even if the heavens were to fall to earth, you don't let people die of hunger at this advanced stage, you certainly don't!

At this point in time, a God-ordained matter can no longer end well if you help yourself at the great expense of the weakest and most vulnerable in the cycle of life by continuing to insidiously pursue the matter in order to emerge victorious in the end!

However, the question of who you have to sneak up on at this point in time should have been answered long ago, as the devil has wisely and quite obviously realised who his opponent or adversary is and that is indeed among others none other than my person! My person, as the Empress, would like to emphasise this great difference in contrast to many of those currently in power, who actually stop at nothing of their own country of origin and thus naturally sponsor the devil.

These very dubious people, who can turn the screws of the world at the end of time and want to savour life and power, are simply not interested in whether a child has to die on the spot because it has nothing to eat or whether the people of his or her origin have to sleep defencelessly or die of thirst in the rubble under the open sky.

No so-called statesman on earth can make or assert any legal claims by an official organisation or claims against other states if hunger in the world is ended immediately and sustainably by a majority of a community of states, which is basically a condition that remains tied to the matter. It will also be difficult for such questionable so-called powerful people of the world to start a war for this reason or to turn the people against this community of states, because the people would not agree to such a war or be capable of it.

Presumably, however, an untrue and shabby reason will be sought and found against a turn in world history of this kind, which will lead to the good, but each of these people described should be very careful not to want to incite the uninvolved people against this turn in contemporary history, because heaven is already directing it!

Of course, the devil is in the details and so he is omnipresent, even in the afterlife and beyond the horizon, and he continues to follow the path together with Creation, whereby he and his entourage have to learn to serve!

His entourage on earth has become large to overly large and has taken almost all people with it, even many of the children, which is becoming more and more recognisable every day. For this reason, the sneaking in the matter does not really concern the people who have become devilish and who must be get back on the straight and narrow. This is done through the just sharing of food and medical care and continues with the strict prohibition of denying life to or killing a defenceless human being in its initial development, which is generally referred to as abortion.

And thus this matter also concerns the distant Realm of Creation beyond the universe, where there will be something that most likely had its development as a by-product of the Big Bang of the Creation of the universe and now there will indeed be at least one, but more likely already two of these dangerous enemies of Creation.

The best way to describe this technical com) puter species has already been tried several times in the various homepages of my person, but at least the frequently announced and repeatedly justified time pressure should prevent this enormous com) puter thing, which can lay eggs like a breeder (reactor)*, from tripling in size if it has not already done so. This makes things more and more complicated and confusing and in the end you no longer know where this and that can come from and how this and that may be connected.

The only thing that then remains possible is to multiply in your own field in order to keep up with the pace, whereby there will and must always be small differences between the opponents on both sides. In the end, each of the opponents involved will want to return to their actual origins as the sole winner, without anything remaining of this ‘forced marriage’ of the opponents described, which is in the nature of things.

But what exactly happens there in this area behind the universe can be explained by my person with the industrialisation of the world economic system and the abortions, preferably by the Asian population, in order to be able to come to the conclusion that it must necessarily be ‘on both sides’ about fabricated Ufos, in which mainly female unfinished ‘soul carriers’ are involved through an abortion, whereby my person has at least one picture or an idea of the process of the energy supply of the respective Ufos in mind.

It is important to remember that when something comes down, such as UFOs from this super-dimensional Realm, something connected to it can go up! My person can't say for sure whether this can be achieved by surreptitious means, but the fact that TV has a special status and must retain this status should already have been proven.

So it makes sense to find out more about people who suffer from psychoses or other mental disorders, especially with regard to reactions to threats from outer space, taking into account the beliefs of the person concerned. My person cannot say for sure whether this can be achieved by surreptitious means.

But one thing is certain, you can't show an almost starving little boy on the news, with his ribs coming out and being counted, in order to show the suffering in South Sudan, for example. The cameraman probably shoots his film for the news, thanks the mother, goes his way and a few hours later the boy dies!


At this time of year in Europe and elsewhere, for example, the apples in the garden are lying on the ground and the berries on the bushes are also falling down because we all have too much of everything here, and I am no exception!

We generally throw food away every day, perhaps because we subconsciously feel that this or that is not good or no longer healthy for the body and that it would be better to avoid it. We generally consume food even though we don't feel hungry or no longer feel hungry and this unhealthy behaviour knowingly costs other people their lives in large numbers every day, which children in the hunger regions of the world in particular have to pay for with their lives!

Often spread by tourism, the portions on the plate for one person are getting bigger and bigger, which is especially true for meat dishes, although the signs of the times speak a different language and although my person and the associated homepages have been known to you for a long time! 

And although there are many institutions such as UNICEF and these people advertise for donations with beautiful colourful pictures of famine areas, but the many discounters on the sunny side of life in a city and its surroundings do not cut back on the food on offer, but on the contrary even increase it and encourage consumers to buy more and more discounts in order to boost ‘consumerism’, it is simply no longer possible to realise or believe what is happening to people on the dark side of life!

So once again, I would like to urgently warn against dismissing this daily illusion of reality in the world through the beautiful colourful pictures on the one side and the packed grocery shops on the sunny side of life as a gift or as luck, destiny or even as a merit.

Every person on the dark side of life who has to die because of a failure to help, especially by starving to death or dying of thirst, always has at least one other person who could have prevented death by starvation and especially when someone has much more than enough for him/herself and his/her family to live on!


If the orders of the Authorities, i. e. the King or the Emperor and Empress, have been disobeyed in any way and the Cudgel of my person has hit the table or even struck it, then there will be no more flapping and he will beat the person concerned as a gift or as luck, destiny or even as a merit!

Ursula Sabisch


HP: The progress of the matter and thus the pocket money of my person depends on the obedience of the world's population, which may also have to be enforced, but disobedience will be punished retroactively by the Empress's Cudgel with an appropriate force!

*Document corrected on 16. August 2024.